03. Personal Branding

How to Stand Out

Imagine you're a hiring manager for a company and you need to pick 5 people to interview for a role. You receive 50 applications and everyone seems pretty qualified. How do you choose the 5 job candidates to interview? You'll probably pick the candidates that stand out the most to you.

Personal Stories

A job candidate’s personal story will always be what sets them apart. In addition to their technical skills, employers are looking for someone who can drive the company’s mission and contribute the products or services they are trying to innovate. This is the candidate’s opportunity to advocate for themselves by sharing the unique blend of experiences and interests that have led them to this company.

Personal stories are always the most memorable ones.

As someone trying to impress an employer, you need to tell your personal story. You want employers to know how you solve problems, overcome challenges, achieve results. You want employers to know what excites you, what motivates you, what drives you forward.

All of this can be achieved through effective storytelling and personal branding.

I've changed how I present my personal story many, many times. That's okay. People are complex and have multiple interests that change over time.

In this next video, we'll meet my coworker Chris who will show us how he used personal branding to help him in his recent career change.